Sunday, November 23, 2008

meow . . . !!

meow. . . meow . . .
i just realized theres
so many cat & kitten in my neighborhood
then i thought, uhrmm.. they can't be my victim
fo the next photoshoot

= its JoLene sexy back =
= jOLene again =

= thanx to buffy, loove doddy so much =

= its snOwbeLL =

= joey =

= its jOLene first photo shoot =

= sleepy charLie =

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

iedul fitri @ penang (again@#$ duh !)

here we goes again....
another "Lebaran" in Penang, ga bosen2nya ge lebaran disini smp ga inget pulang indo

malam ini malam hari raya idul fitri.... yg akan jadi kenangan malam idul fitri terindah buat ge disini.... semua orang dah siap2 untuk berhari raya besok pagi, abis sahur.. boleh ditebak siapa yg tidur lagi.. whichis me, addy, and of course max.. auntie' na wif all the bibis bener2 siap2 mo berlebaran, yg satu nyiapin ketupat, yg satu nyiapin baju bwat dipake sholat besok....

pagi tadi uncle En bilang kalo malem ni kita order nasi "kandar" bungkus di warung makan terus kita terus ke Giant beli mineral water....
then I thought "huh ?? " ooh, maybe theres some people wanna come into our house for praying or something..... tapi dia bilang abis itu langsung ke kampung melayu deket sini... okay then, i really don't get that.....

malam udah dateng... terus langsung qta berempat (max, addy, uncle, n me) pergi k tempat udah kita rencanain itu.... semuanya udah ada nasi bungkus + mineral water 94 set.... then I asked max.."for what it was all about max ?", trus max bilang "u'll know..

ni nasi kandar bungkusnya with mineral water

Okay.. all was set up in a plastic bag..
semuanya udah dijadiin satu set... jam udah pukul 09.40 malem waktu itu.. tiba2 uncle berenti di pinggir jalan kuburan..... banyaaak bgt orang2 disitu, (geez... ge pikir ngapain ni semua orang ngumpul di kuburan) yg lebih2nya lagi ge pikir ngapain juga kita ikut2an nongkrong disitu...

banyak yang gelar tiker, bawa bantal, torchlight, selimut dari rumahnya masing2... ternyata setelah ge peratiin mereka ni memang orang2 yg kesusahan... gak cuman melayu aja, ada china india juga ada disana... ada orang tua sampe anak kecil juga ikut tidur disana...
terus uncle n bilang... "tiap taun mereka memang kaya begini Qee.. sebelum malam idul fitri mereka udah tunggu disini, bermalam disini nunggu besok orang2 yg mau pergi sembahyang idul fitri kasih mereka zakat fitrah..... (ya Allah, terima kasih atas semua rejeki n rahmat yg telah kau beri) ternyata masih banyak lagi orang2 yg lebih kesusahan dari kita cuy , makanya jangan pada suka ngeluh klo lg gada duit sekurang2nya kita masih bisa makan kan, kita harusnya alhamdulillah tu(tapi kadang ge juga begitu denk... subhanallah) .... ge pikir di indo dowank yg masih banyak ngantri untuk zakat...

kebayang ga harus tidur di kuburan

so... afterward uncl suruh kita masing2 bawa set makanan itu bwat dibagi2 ada baanyaaak bgt yg duduk disitu rasanya sih lebih dari 100 orang but what can i say kita cuman buat 94bungkus aja... ge jadi inget dulu ge waktu partime d Mcdo waktu malem puasa kita bagiin makanan sahur ke orang2 yg hidup di jalanan rasanya.... beuh.... dalem man, campur aduk.. sedih, prihatin, seneng, semua jadi satu... yg bikin ngena banget di kuburan itu ge liat ibu2 yg udah tidur nyenyak banget terus ge kasih ke suaminya yg ge pikir dia cuman sendiri.... gatawnya dia bangunin istrinya untuk makan makanan dia... mungkin waktu itu dia pikir cuman dapet satu aja kali... mana ketehe kan ada istrinya disitu... tapi dr situ ge terharu bgt walopun mereka susah tapi tetep ga selfish, ga mentingin diri sendiri..... mereka tetep sharing even its just nasi bungkus aja.......

insyaAllah dr kejadian semua itu diatas....
ge bisa belajar lagi apa artinya hidup... bgm untuk hidup... dan untuk apa hidup itu....

guys... selamat hari raya iedul fitri yaaaaaa
mohon maaf lahir dan batin
minal aidin wal faidzin

Thursday, September 4, 2008

yummy ramadan

its first day of Ramadan
usually people here in Malaysia always made a food bazaar
during Ramadan started from the afternoon until Magrib (around 07pm)
its called JUADAH BERBUKA PUASA.....

i was going down to "Kampung Baru" to find one with Uncle Ramz
its a colorful shop tent they got there..
so, we parked the car beside "Masjid Kampung Baru"
when we out of our car for look around
theres a young dude coming towards us
he offering the "bubur Lambuk" (a porridge) for free

then Uncle said, "they always did that every Ramadan"
dunno why... but whatta heck... i just grabbed my bubur
and... Thanx bytheway....

the crowd of people around ramadan food festival

its a fresh TEBU (sugarcane) drink..

i bought that "tomato rice" and fried tofu & veggie
in indonesia we called it GEHU (toge & tahu)

one of the food stall when I was workin in MAHA

Monday, September 1, 2008

KL icon

its the last day fo Addy in KL today..
so he asked me to drag him down to One of the Icon here in KL
i bet u already knoe what it is,
one & the Only twin tOwers in SEA

then I remember i still have sum pics of it on my hard drive
but i never publish it anywhere..
so I thought that'll be such a great idea to share it here
on my own blog...

hey.. you, why u hiding behind that buildin ??

i wondered wheres its twin gone . . .

its rains fallin thru the twin

the flag and the icon itself

the interior deco of the SURIA KLCC

Putrajaya at nite

tOday its a tough day ever,
been to MAHA for that ECPI exhibition wif max and addy
a very far parkin' lot they got there
a bloody hot weather at mardi
a less customer instead a lot of food they have

but it was worth it with surprising ride to Putrajaya at nite
i was din expected to go there at that time
what is crossin' my mind was bathroom, dinner and bedroom @*&!

unfortunately, i just got left 2 batteries on my slingbag
the flash keep on workin out so did the batteries..
so, I just got a couple pics here to share..

more things to come..

a credit to the light

love the shape, the traffic light, the surrounded...

its the ministry of national treasury buildin

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

cLoudy day at Putrajaya

the day is cloudy, I know its gotta be rain soon (a heavy one)
so.. I just follow max to Putrajaya cuz she hadda work to be done
grab my cam in with 6 additional batteries + rechargeable one
(just in case) if I have to use flash often...

but thank god the weather is bein' friendly to us
finally max got her job done, and me.....
of course got my pics done

masjid Putra on a cloudy day

Istana kehakiman putrajaya, I thought its a mosque at the first time

looks like a castle out of nowhere

still cloudy day again, its PM's office

about putrajaya :
Putrajaya, a planned city located just south of Kuala Lumpur, is the new federal administrative centre of malaysia. Several Government offices have re-located there to gain relief from the overcrowding and congestion of Kuala Lumpur, which is Malaysia's largest city. However,Kuala Lumpur still serves as Malaysia's national and legislative Capital for now. Putrajaya is a Federal territory just like the city of Kuala Lumpur and the island of Labuan.

baLik puLau@ penang season 1 ep 2

here we go again, another episode taken from my journey last week to Penang (batu feringghi, GeorgeTown, balik pulau)........

Look !! he's a jumper... so u better be watchout

its just some old small temple i found on pasar balik pulau

tropical Spice garden @ batu feringghi... (raining)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Balik Pulau Season 1

its Pasar Balik Pulau (a traditional market)

feels like autumn here.... the leaves is fallin down from the trees

another seaside road here.....
i was forgot bout that lil island name there...

believe me.... he's probably the most patient dude on the planet... lol

the sea view from the hill

another shoot

this is just sum snapshot on my 3 days off to Penang island last week,
but as an amateur.....
ge nyadar masih banyak lagi yg ge harus pelajarin untuk bisa mencapai hasil yang maksimal.....
critique, comment and opinion in need . . . .

so enjoy it . . .

on our way up to Batu feringghi
its an seaside road actually, the view of the beach was great from here
I snap this One from a moving car

the beach here was stunning... but very rocky beaches
theres a parasailing, banana boat, and jetski facility

its in the Park RoyaL hotel, the local weather wasn't friendly,
its drizzled for the whole day

ternyata di penang ada Becak juga....
its a colorful becak they got here but the fare is very expensive

Sunday, August 17, 2008

my new Baby.....

Finally after a Long time saving....
that baby come over me hehehe

the CANON powershot Sx100Is, realized myself as an amateur One here...... so I just bought that One first as a starter to my lost hobby LMAO....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ke"TELAT"an itu Risky

Gak kerasa udah hari kja lagi.. tadi bangun pagi ge kesiangan bangun, soalnya semalem ge nginep di rumah temen kenal dari Skype, malem tadi jam 11 dia call minta settingin notebooknya bwat Skypenya ilang cuz dulu dia ma abangnya ya settingin.. yawdah ge dateng krumahnya ampe ketiduran disono btigaan... bangun2 jam 7an gila asli panas bgt rumahnya... trus ge langsung izin pamit balik krumah sampe rumah ge langsung tepar di sofa dpan TV... nglanjutin tidur ge yg ga enak dsana semalem hahaha......Bangun2 tau2 udah jam 10, kesiangan dah judulnya....

Ngomong2 lambat bangun... ge jadi tiba2 kepikir ke hidup ge yg ge rasa ge TELAT dlm segalanya, sedih si dengernya tapi itu emang udah jadi trademark ge kayanya kali, gini.....

· Waktu kecil kan malu bgt tu (di Indo especially) kalo udah start masuk sekolah tapi ko belom bisa ngomong “R” yg slalunya kita pake... my “R” pronounce just like “L” awwggh... jadi malu bgt klo inget itu, orang lain udah bisa dari kelas 1, but finally akirnya huruf “R” itu Keluar jga dari mulut ge pada taun 2006 waktu ge duduk udah di kelas 6 (hahah.... lambat cuy)

. Naek Sepedah.... ngiri bgt ngliat temen2 ge dah bisa naek sepedah dr masih di TK lagi, apalagi liat adek2 ge sendiri udah pada jagoan nge-genjot sepeda2nya bareng anak2 komplek keliling rumah... yaelah... ge frust bgt tu sampe pada klas 4 akirnya setelah nabrak pager orang ampe pagernya roboh niban ge sama speda ge berakirlah keputusasaan ge.. Yaiy !! finally I can do it.... credit to tetangga ge mas ‘Nu yg ngajarin ge..... thx man...

· Klo yg ni agak private dikit..... ya’ll guys knoes kan klo qta as a moslem apalagi Laki2 wajib untuk kita “DisunaT” naah untuk yang ni ge rasa ge juga telat ni... baru Taun 1995 kira2 bulan July waktu ge masih duduk d kelas 5 SD.... tp ge ga inget tanggalnya.. akirnya kepotong lah sudah... in fact semua sodara2 ge ma temen2 ge yg sepantar udah pada disunat duluan.... jadi kyanya si udah agak sedikit “Alot” tu heuahuehheah........ tp yg penting kewajiban ge ptama as a moslem at least udah ge jalanin.

· Trakir ni.. of cOurse drivin’.... awwgh... so embarassed man.. temen2 dulu sekampus udahan bisa naek motor dr mereka masih smp lagi, ge baru mau mulai blajar bgtu ge masuk college, waktu itu kelas 3 SMU udah mau lulus yg ngajarin ang Luly spupu ge di bandung, paling inget route pertama ge dari jalan Dr.Djundunan Bandung sampe Rumah di Cimindi... itu juga pake motor yg Oldskool banget cuy, warna Merah, Helm merah, jacket Merah (huehuaheah). Masuk college d j’town mulai deh bawa motor sendiri ke campus ngeboncengin temen2 g mo nebeng walopun judulnya masih belajar ni pnah suatu kali tu ge accident ksrempet angkot sial, tapi ya namanya juga blajar lah... istilahnya “No Pain No gain” ya kan... soal Mobil, nah.. believe it Or nOt ge baru bisa drivin’ ya stelah ge udah hijrah ke KL ni, tepatnya bulan November taon Kmaren 2007, (lw pasti semua ktawa dah... yg puas eh... ) gila man, udah 22 taun ge idup d dunia baru bisa skrg ni drivin’ lol... mobil ptama yg ge bawa mobilnya maksu yg parahnya lagi ge bisa bawa auto dowank... bwat yg Manual untuk project selanjutnya hahahah.....

Waah... dr sekian banyak keTELATan ge yg paling sensitive yg ni ni.... gimana kalo nanti ge TELAT married juga... WhacKs !! realized the fact that “TELAT” was already my middle name ;) hahaha..... klo kata filmnya P.Ramlee ni “Bujang lapok” ....

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Il n'y a pas de petit chez soi

Kadang logika ma hati itu ga kompak… ini ni yg bikin males, semalem abisan video conference wif my lovely family.. biasa lewat Yahoo Messenger ajah, pengennya si bisa pake Skype… tp apa daya (huheuaheah) it started wif my Mum and daddy… ada my sist juga and my bro…

Kangeen bgt ma mereka till get into One Point mum bilang “kamu kapan pulangnya ko ga balik si” lebaran ni pulang ya please… sumpah ge ngdenger mum bilang kya bgtu jadinya sedih bukn main, merinding bgt ge cuy... gara2 nyokap bilang bgtu kan jadinya kebawa pengen cpet pulang melulu, padahal Ge disini blom ada apa2nya, blom bisa ada yg bisa ge banggain dari selama ge 2 taun disini... bwat sekarang, ge belom bisa ngasih sesuatu yg mungkin akan ge kasih ke mereka one day nanti..

Inginnya ge gamaw pulang dulu sebelum ge “Menjadi” disini.. dalem hati yg paling dalem pengeeen banget rasanya bisa peluk cium keluarga ge.. makan makanan mama yg paling enaak sedunia, becanda2an ma ade2 ge, tuker pikiran ma Ayah.. tapi ge blom bisa.... pikiran ge sekarang bgm caranya ge bisa mencapai semua target dalam hidup ge sendiri dulu before I goin back home..

Tuhan..... terharunya bukaan main degh begitu ge liat mama netesin airmatanya dikit demi dikit saking kangennya ma ge, sampe akirnya ade ge Si nenk ikut2an mama juga degh, gara2 itu ge jadinya kebawa bawa.. MAN !! dooh... gila ge culun bgt sampe ikutan nangis segala... cowo apaan ni ge... tapi kangen ge ma mereka pun udah sampe puncaknya malem itu....

Tuhan... please please please..... Lindungin mereka semua Tuhan, hambamu ini sangat2 menyayangi mereka meskipun kami berjauhan tapi mereka selalu ada di hati..... jauhkan mereka dari penyakit ya Tuhan, jauhkan mereka dr godaan setan & jin yg terkutuk.... ampuni hambamu ini yg hanya terus meminta kepada_Mu.... Amieeenn....

LOVE U GUYS. . .. . . .
Mum, Dad, Sissy “Nenk”, Addie, Nabila “Bya”........ ;(

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Super Imposed lesson

Last nite My buddy dropped himself down here, to the Offc... and I was wOnderin' what can I get frOm Him as a Lesson tOday to know that he's quite excellent when it turned into cOmputer stuff...One thing that I know that hes good on making super imposed and it was shocking lil bit when he said that hes juzt made that thru the classic software that He bet everyOne in this whole world have it on their pc... whichiz PAINT ! u won't believe it will ya..... yea me too at the first...
after all.. I ask him to do sumtin wif my pic that I had for my nu passport and Jessica Alba pic fo sure wehuehwuhueh...... (its kinda Obsession thing lol), I'm not sure at the moment when he click oN the paint icon on my NB... "r ya damn sure it's gonna work here... just on PAINT...?" that stupid question just slipped Out from my mOuth hehehe..... "just wait and c.. he said " I thought ure made all that super Imposed things wif a software like photoshop or sumtin expert than that..... we started at 8, and phew..!! lotta things to do there.. too many step... too many crop things.... too many copy and paste... but finally he made it yaiiiiiyyyy...... credit to Abg Amir... thx a bunch paL......
Microsoft PAINT

hahahaha....... my jessy and Me thru the PAINT

hyee Bloggie

Hey Bloggie.....

its been a long time eh since september.... sowwy...sowwy... u knoe wht .. now, my camera din workin' as well as supposed to be... dank !! so, I had nothin to share wif u here, how u doin eniway... ???

mine.. not much goin on me early 2008, just do the routinity as a dude lol... uhm.. now I hadda lot a fwen from this Skype (u know what it is aite..). I know bout this Skype frOm my Indo Uncle (I called him Oom Recky) he sent me the installation CD thru my auntie who came here 2 last month ago.. he juzt said that it was like as same as YM but this One is lot better than that, for video conference the motion is just like our eye mOtion neither than YM... when u type a name on their search engine... Phew """ theyre will show u a name list from around the world.. now I can even talk wif my beloved family there... oia,
My skype id is Ridzkee
Uhm... whats again.......
ooh yea, I had my nu NoteBook for my buffday last ApriL... yea happy Buffday to me, that was my 2nd buffdday here w/o sumOne that I loved there in my HometOwn (aaaawwwggh...T_T )

kay bloggie.... thanx fo welcOme me Back...
ure KEWL.... huehuahheah