DANX..!! On Last Friday Sept 21st'07 My uncle ramz's Car was Making His Head gO rOund almOst 360 hehehe... the prOblem Is That When That car was nOt in Use foe a Coupla dayz exactly it makes some trOubLeshOOt.... wehehehe.... kay, Herez The way it gOes... before we (our Co) boughta new van foe Our logistic utility we always used That spoiled car (I mean Uncle Ramz car) but wHen we Bought a New One.. foe Automatically tHat car sHouldn't take it rest On House garaGe rite ?? but dunno Why suddenly maybe That spoiled car become upset and I juzt smelled The taste of jealousy to The new van too here.. wahahaha.... gataw Man, kyanYa mObil Uncle Ramz tu Dendam PriBadi ma van Baru Qta cuz byasanYa Kan Qta kmAna- mana "MAKE" dya tp sekaranG dah aDa yg Baru. so, At that mOment Of frustration (for my Uncle of course lol, sorry nO offence pal..) tepatnya sore skitar jam 6'an THat car engine was stOP juzt simply as tHat when uncle drivin' out thru the hill On our Guard House.. Thats kinda suckz aite...
jadi mo gimana lagi tu.. mo pergi bawa bengkel juga susah, engine ga bisa idup, at that time I was actually havin my buka puasa with maksu in KLCC so I dun really knoe exactly the whole story of it. just know it by listen... when I get home its around 22.30 uncle still there on his ride hood, wif his both hand on his waist.. I saw the face of dissapointment (awwwwgg..) Then he told me bout everythin' bad that happened to his ride, he said "terribly sucks !!" then he said again that this car will be towing to the service store tommoro...
towing's day picture................