Wednesday, August 29, 2007

nOisy buT AwesOme


tHe IndepeNdenCe will be start TOmoRro but peOple herE were AlreAdy ceLebrated Their Day. u kNoe wut, I'm actUaLly reallY respectfull and aPpreciative to All of The malAysian peOple cuz.. Their really knoe howta respect their own country..their own Hero.. tHeir Own diGnity.... its show me how dey loved to deatH to Their beloved cOUntry.... its "Jalur Gemilang" (thats what they call foe their nationat Flag) everywhere u see heRe, On The top of the car, On The Bus, LRT, etc.... thiziz actually my 2nd Time I felt the malaysian indepence here but the first time in KL, foe the first time in Malaysia I'm in Kuching (an east part Of M'sia, located In borneo Island)

its feel incredible debi here foe their independence day for sure... cuz U can see what my belovin' country din has it.. take this foe example... its juzt feels like new year when their celebrate it.. on 00.00 their countin' down together and fireworks everywhere... U will stuck in a jam at that moment... and in the mornin, they all go to "dataran merdeka" to show a carnival or parade, people wear red, white, blue and yellow to show the colour of their national flag... they'all dancin'... singin' make a great formation young and old... there's Prime minister and sultan (the Queen was damn pretty foeYourInfo hehehe....) standin' on a podium to c their people show their creativity on that memorable day, one citizen told me that foe today its just a lil bit special than a year before...cuz u can see a lotta fighter jet make sum appeareance on KL skies (gosh, finnally their show us their best of all) cuz u knoe wut, every mornin' I wake up to c and hear their sounds at my cribs skies (really noisy sounds, but thats cOOL).. thats all trainin' foe today... what a dedicated people they are.
Hey, u kNoe This guy.. The one who raisin' his right Hand to Claim his country Independence day on August 31st, 1957.. as far as I knoe he's the first prime minister of Malaysia, dunno his name yet but I'm dead assure that he'll do anythin' foe his own country including to gave his own life..cuz its the place where he was born, the place where he was married, and will be the place where he was died of course, his dedicated juzt like SOEKARNO (my country's 1st president) did one time ago... but now, I dun think a lotta people can do what they already did many years ago... people seems to be selfish nowadays, they'all think bout their self only, (I won't lying cuz I was like that too wehehe...)...

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